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STEP 1: To make certain you receive access to the Right House VIP Library, and all future emails, make sure to add our email [contact@righthouse.com] to your contacts or email address book.

Unsure of how to do that? simply click here and follow the directions (you only need to follow the steps for your particular email provider). It might seem like a pain, but you only need to do it once, and it'll ensure you don't miss anything.

In almost all cases, you simply need to open the email I just sent you, and click "not spam" or something along those lines, and that should satisfy any angry algorithms going forward.

STEP 2: Look for an email from me titled, "Thank you for signing up to receive news from Right House Books!"

Make sure you find it and open it, as it contains the link to the Right House VIP Library. If you find it in junk/spam/promotions or anything other than you inbox, then it's all the more important you complete step 1.

STEP 3: Enjoy your access to all your free goodies! :)

Thanks again SO much for coming on board. Your support TRULY means more to us than you can imagine. As without you, none of us could do this. And that'd be no fun.